AT ALL LEVELS: Sessions will generally start with a review of basics and techniques covered so far. After this, you can decide what you need explaining and what pace to work at, or leave it to Barney to take charge. Maths tutor Barney M-T sees most of his clients for one hour weekly, but endeavours to work around you.
AT A-LEVEL: at the end of each tutorial, Barney will suggest extra questions for you to work through for the next tutorial, the quantity depending largely on your existing workload from school / College. As the exams draw near, working through sample papers is key to success, and Barney can share with you a large selection of past exam papers for the most popular syllabuses (Edexcel, OCR, AQA, MEI).
AT GCSE (HIGHER LEVEL PREFERRED GRADES 9-5): Barney recommends 20-30 minutes of homework a week to consolidate on each tutorial (and can lend you a "homework book" of exercises and / or email worksheets to you). As the exams draw near, he also has a large selection of past papers and worksheets for all the common syllabuses - including AQA, Edexcel and OCR.
BEYOND A-LEVEL: Barney can help with the maths, statistics and physics (mechanics) aspects of many University courses, including the examples in the box below. Beyond A-level, maths branches out into a vast array of specialities; to check whether or not your course falls into Barney's sphere of expertise, please phone or send an email with as much detail as possible about your course, ideally with specimen questions and / or a formula sheet attached.
WHAT ABOUT THE 11+? Barney will occasionally accept pre-GCSE students, especially for an 11+ maths refresher course over the Summer holidays, or for gifted or enthusiastic students. If you are taking Foundation level GCSE (grades 1-5) you may need quite different techniques to students taking the Higher exam (e.g. techniques to avoid algebra); if this is you then I have a network of carefully chosen colleagues whom I can put you in touch with. Please get in touch if you're not sure!
MATHS DAYS FOR PRIMARY AND LOWER SECONDARY? Barney offers school visits for Secondary schools to Year 9, Primary Schools and even Nursery, and can see your entire school in one day – please visit the sister site House Of Maths to find out more about school visits.
OTHER SUBJECTS: for expert tuition in French, German, Spanish at all levels 11 Plus and ESOL, as well as preparation for language examinations, please visit my colleague's site .
Qualifications currently tutored include:
Examples of slides from actual online maths tutorials